British Omani Society

S5 EP5: Oman and the Gulf in World History

Anglo-Omani Society Season 5 Episode 5

In this podcast, we discuss the unique history of the Gulf, Oman’s place within that history, and the upcoming conference at Georgia State University on HM Sultan Qaboos and Oman’s fifty-year renaissance.

Professor Allen James Fromherz is a historian specializing in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. From 2007 to 2008 he was a Professor at Qatar University and later joined the faculty of Georgia State University where he currently works. Along with research on the Almohad Empire in twelfth-century North Africa and the history of the Mediterranean, Professor Fromherz specialises in the history of the Arabian Gulf. His most recent book Qatar: A Modern History is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the Gulf. 
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