British Omani Society

S5 EP2: Diplomacy in Oman with Richard Muir

Anglo-Omani Society Season 5 Episode 2

In this podcast we speak with Richard Muir,  a former British Ambassador to Oman (1994-99), about his career and diplomatic experience in Oman. In his career as a diplomat he served in Washington DC and in a number of other Middle East posts including as Ambassador to Kuwait. In London before taking up his post in Oman he was a member of the Foreign Office Board of Management and Chief Inspector of the Diplomatic Service.

Richard was Chairman of the Society from 2004 to 2012 since when he has been a Vice President. He is currently Director of the Altajir Trust in London, offering grants and scholarships and producing among other publications a history of the Gulf States: ‘The Emergence of the Gulf States’. He is also Chairman of the Sir William Luce Memorial Fund based at Durham University which focuses on issues of governance in the Gulf States and Sudan.
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