British Omani Society

S4 EP4: Playwrighting in Oman

Anglo-Omani Society Season 4 Episode 4

Abdullah Al Alawi is currently the Learning Programme Designer at YouThinkers and is the writer of two plays: Hot Potato and Omaniyya Enthroned. Hot Potato is a play focusing on a single street in Victorian England filled with characters from the periphery of society. Their humour helps them brave their position in society until the Mayor visits and the narrator switches the roles of the characters for the play’s conclusion. Omaniyaa Enthroned tells the story of an intelligent woman whose years of learning help her throw off the oppressive rule of the Portuguese in Oman and liberate Omanis from the cruelties of colonial occupation. In this podcast, we dive into these plays as well as discuss the current and future state of playwriting in Oman and the modern world.
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