British Omani Society

S6 EP5: Palaeoclimatology in Oman

Anglo-Omani Society Season 6 Episode 5

Dr Ash Parton is a paleoenvironmental scientist with interests in the dynamics and periodicity of long-term climate change in drylands, and the potential effects of such changes on human populations. In particular, his research focuses on the Arabian Peninsula and has helped to develop our understanding of early human population movements out of Africa and through the Saharan-Arabian Desert belt. Ash joined Mansfield College, University of Oxford in September 2015, where he became a lecturer in physical geography.

In this podcast, Ash discusses the importance of palaeoclimatology not only to understand our earliest ancestors, but also mapping the evidence of climate change today. Ash also touches on his ongoing research with Simon Underwood and recalls his fondest memories of Oman.

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